Annual Events

Markham Irish Club Day
All teams and programs come together at one time to celebrate the club while participating in fun rugby modified games. Great social afterwards, and we've even seen our young players get autographs from their Senior idols!
Junior Awards Night
We celebrate the juniors by awarding players with MVP, Coaches' and MIP awards. This follows with a social party afterwards and is a great way to celebrate successes and get excited for next year!

Senior Awards Night
The Senior programs are celebrated with a season ending social, and presentation of MVP, Coaches', Rookie of the Year and MIP awards. It's always entertaining to see what our players look like in nice clothes and without the mud!

Alumni Day
Alumni Day has always been a special day on the rugby schedule. Often linked with a golf tournament and dance, Alumni Day is an opportunity for former players, coaches and fans to re-connect with the club and old mates, and to cheer on the new crop of players. While playing at Fletcher's the past few seasons has minimized this event, we are excited to re-ignite it with a full day of action at Austin Dr!

Social Events
While rugby pulls us all together, it is the social events and bonding that really makes a strong club. We run several social events each season that might include international matches, pub crawls, rookie night, streetcar parties, boat cruises, golf tournaments, movie night, bbq's and more. Let's see what our social committee has planned for this year!
John Dixon Tournament
Each year, we host a Touch Rugby Tournament amongst our senior men in honour of John Dixon.
John was an ardent club fan and supporter who enjoyed playing touch rugby. John passed away just before Thanksgiving, 20 years ago.
Thank you, John, for your passion and love for rugby.

Biennial Montreal Tours
MIRC believes in the value of touring for rugby. It's a valuable learning experience filled with culture and sportsmanship. As such, we make is a priority to tour to Montreal every other year to visit the Montreal Irish.